Please note:  This is a sample newsletter.  Newsletters are sent out every 7-10 days and hold the latest classes and specials + a new blog and the latest podcasts or published articles for your entertainment and growth.  To sign up to receive Spiritual Transformation News, go to the home page and put your information in the box for newsletter signup.  Thanks, Jean


Spiritual Transformation News

For those who live in the Light!

Jean Walters, DM, DD, CRT

Transformational Coach, Akashic Reader, Speaker, and Author


Blog: Dis-ease - what it is, how to Trace its Origins & Heal

(Keep reading)

  • More podcasts and interviews below - the importance of dreams & living in peace!
  • Thoughts and other things!
  • Blog:  Disease:  What it is, trace its origin, & Heal!
  • Author page link - Links to all books
  • Latest articles and podcasts to entertain and educate
  • My services available to you!
  • Easy-peasy way to write a review - FREE Akashic Readings as a gift to you!


Thoughts and other things!

Thank you to all who have purchased my books and grown from utilizing the moment, would you write a quick review for the Amazon sale page of the book.  This is what brings attention to the book on Amazon.  I appreciate your thoughtful help!

        This month, March, is a healing month.  So in honor of healing I am re-printing remarks from Glenda Green, International Best Selling Author of Love Without End.  In this blog she comments on magnetic energy (we all have it) and identifying the origin of dis-ease.  This should give you information to use for healing.  The body is malleable and responds to thought and we have the ability to make major changes as we embrace healing with faith and tenacity.  I hope this helps!  

        Of course, often healing follows as we examine our thoughts and make appropriate changes.  A Course in Miracles states that our function is forgiveness.  So forgiveness is always a good start to effect healing.  More than likely the person you need to forgive is yourself as people tend to be most hard on themselves.  Just saying...

        The next section of five weeks of my Metaphysics class will start on April 5th.  If you are a seasoned metaphysician (studied spiritual and universal law) and would like to take some next steps in your growth, this class could be for you.  Check out the details below.

         Thank you for reading my blog and please share it with anyone who might benefit.  I wish you a fantastic Spring!!!!

                                            Many blessings, Jean



Blog: Dis-ease -

what it is, how to Trace its Origins & Heal

Magnetic Energy and Zero Point by Glenda Green


   We know that something brings on illness and disease.  Have you wondered how it works?   If so, here are some wonderful words from Glenda Green, Best-selling Author of Love Without End, to help you identify and alter the inception of illness and disease and to modify your thoughts accordingly.  Enjoy!  


    The thoughts and feelings of your inner world have great impact over your outer world… even the outer world of other people and living things.

     Stress, depression, and illness are very prevalent in our world today, although we have the most competent medical advancements in history.  Many researchers who study the relationship of human behavior to illness have traced over 90% of all disease to traumatic experiences preceding an illness by six to twelve months.

      Extensive studies have been made of acute illnesses as well as long term physical problems such as:  arthritis, emphysema, ulcers, cancer, diabetes and high blood pressure.  In an amazingly high percentage of patients, their sickness started six months to one year after a traumatic experience in their life.  This is not limited to physi-cal illness.  It also includes psychological, financial, career, relationship and family problems.

      If you are currently suffering from any disease, then ask yourself the four following questions:


1.      How long have I been afflicted with this problem?

2.     What happened in my life six months to two years before the symptoms began?

3.     How was my inner world different before the trauma?

4.     What is my inner world like now?


    Contemplate your answer to these questions sincerely and quietly.

  Some of the most crucial things in life you must do for yourself and only by yourself.  No one else can talk, walk, eat, or think for you. 

Certainly, we can have assistance in these things, and we enjoy companionship. But only you can write, direct, and act on the script of your inner world. 

    If your thoughts do have the power to create, then maybe you actually do create your own world!



About my books....

        As you know I have 6 books on AND if you are so kind as to post a review for any of them, I offer you a FREE 15 Akashic Reading ($60. value) that will be insightful and clarifying. It is my way of thanking you for taking time to post a review.  (Reviews help to get noticed on  Let me know when your review posts and we'll schedule your reading.  Win-win!

Author Page to Access all the Books

        Rather than list the link for each book, here is my author page.  All the books are available there.  Just click the link.

            To your transformation and growth in love and peace!

            Thanks for reading my newsletter!  Please share it!

May you find joy in all things!  Jean


Are you at a crossroads in Career or wanting to know the right career, this will help!  Discover the career path that reflects your interests & passion.  To figure it out buy this book... Be Outrageous:  Do the Impossible!  Others have and You can too!   Here is the info.....

Are you needing to light your fire and have more passion in life?

This book will help you discover your right path. 

Be Outrageous: Do the Impossible - Others have and you can too! Find Your Passion

You will learn how to get in touch with your true self, your true work, and live with your inner fire lit. Here is the link: See link below.


Here they are: Spiritual and Personal Development Books....

All books available on - see the author link below


The Power of KNOWING:  8 Step Guide to Opening Your Intuitive Channel & Live in Highest Consciousness (develop the tools & skills to live from a higher/intuitive dimension)


 The Magic and Mystery of Dreams:  How to Interpret Your Day and Night Dreams & the Symbols in Your Life (your dreams are magical - find out why)


      The Journey from Anxiety to Peace:  Practical Steps to Handle Fear, Embrace Struggle. and Eliminate Worry to Become Happy and Free (Living in peace is the most practical thing you will ever do.  It wlll increase your creativity, health, and joy in life.)


    Be Outrageous: Do the Impossible - Others have and you can too!  Discover Your Passion  (Discovering and living in passion will bring sparkle to your life and joy in expressing your natural talent)


        Set Yourself Free:  Live the Life YOU were meant to Live!!

(Yes, you need to understand the Universal Laws, the truth that Holy books are relaying, and the principles that make life exciting and magical) --


Deep Truth: Wisdom of the Masters - Reality and Illusion 

Practical Steps to junderstand the Universe, master the mind, develop intuition, deepen wisdom, and & live an inspired life!

(You can live from the surface or understand the depth of who you are.  This book lays it out in easy to understand principles)




This is the link to my author's page. 

All books are available here.



There are youtube videos, interviews, & meditations on my channels that will help you connect to your deepest Spirit. Here are the links:

Two youtube channels

My handle:




Here are some samples:  (try these links)


Meditation:  Heartful God Focused Meditation:


Connect with the Fire Within


       The Three Wisdoms 

(A story about my mother and maybe yours too!)


Live Authentically – Pamela Savino


Other Services

        Investing in your growth makes sense.  How we expand (grow) is the chief determinant of the success we experience in life. We are in the earth for 70-80-90 years!  We need skills to have fun and make the best of it!  No matter what is going on in your life, there are opportunities to grow, work through issues, (even pain), get stronger, have fun, play, laugh and understand more!  It is a process!  The forever reality is love - you are loved!!

        To set an appointment for transformational counseling, coaching or an Akashic Reading, call 314 991 8439 office or 314 566 5231 cell.  Office hours are by appointment Monday through Thursday.   If you are need clarity about a situation, relationship, career choice, or anything else, this will help.  I have been providing these services for over 35 years. 


Write a book review -- Takes minutes and great karma!

        If you are into personal growth and/or service, consider writing a book review for one of my books on  I truly appreciate your time and effort.  Just go to the author page above and click on which ever book you would write a review for.  There are some ideas below if needed.  This can be 2 sentences long or a paragraph.  The main focus is letting people know how this book can help a potential reader.  Thank you in advance!  Jean

       Your gift:  For every review you post on book reviews (for any of the books) I will give to you a 15 minute FREE Akashic Reading.  Let me know (email) when the reading is posted and we will set up a time for you.  :-)  You give to me; I give to you! 

        Objective: Reviews aid potential readers understand how the information in the book will help them. In the world of publishing, reviews are like gold. As always, a good deed (writing a review) mushrooms to great karma for the giver. 

        Please paste your review into whatever book it relates to on  See link to author page above and click on the book you are reviewing.


Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you for your help!


Jean Walters



Jean Walters, DM, DD, CRT

Personal Growth Consultant, Transformational Coach,

Akashic Record Reader, Author, Speaker

11944 Autumn Lakes Drive (Autumn Lakes Subdivision)

Maryland Heights, Mo. 63043  

         314 566 5231 cell  


My handle:



PLEASE NOTE: This is a sample newsletter.  The dates are not accurate as updated newsletter come out every 7-10 days.  Often there are additional classes being offered through my office (314-991-8439). If you are interested in Personal Growth classes, including Personal Empowerment, Developing Intuition, Awake to Your Dreams, and /or Listening Beyond the Words, call my office and/or sign up to receive newsletters.