Motivate, Inspire and Lead …

     Jean Walters has been at the forefront in the movement for personal transformation, clarity, and truth for over 35 years.  Through her writing, consulting, coaching, and Akashic Readings, her message and purpose are as inspiring as the peace and positivity that imbue her. Jean’s intention and commitment to deepest truth have brought her to share her wisdom and guidance to tens of thousands of clients and students.

     She is a Best Selling Author in the US and Internationally and, through her intuitive channel, she has provided over 35,000 Akashic record readings to people all over the world. It is but one highlight of a varied and successful career, which includes working with and training individuals, organizations and businesses. Her expertise is personal and spiritual development and empowerment. She can ignite a person or team and supply tools to express highest energy and achieve success. Whether old school or new millennium, you will find Jean’s authenticity and wisdom compelling and magical. 

     Overcoming obstacles, confronting life’s challenges, breaking though boundaries are dealt with along with designing solutions, re-education, and resolution.  If you are ready to reach your full potential, learn new methods, and condition yourself for success, call her. Personal growth consultations supply the insight and tools needed to reach your unlimited ability to be, do or have whatever you desire.  Seminars and classes offer tools to broaden vision and manage real world issues.  (See testimonials.)

         All About Jean Walters + Testimonials - check this out:


Achieve Success Now!

Jean Walters' insight and big picture approach to learning will help you:

  • move beyond self-imposed boundaries
  • develop clarity and deep intuition awareness
  • expand potential and vision
  • develop communication and other practical life skills
  • remove blocks to success
  • release stress and anxiety and improve health
  • increase awareness and happiness
  • develop greater understanding of self and others
  • achieve higher levels of self esteem and confidence
  • set and accomplish larger goals

Jean Walters' years of experience as an expert in personal awareness uniquely positions her to assist clients reach their next level of success. As a business owner and consultant, author, radio host, and media personality, she brings a wealth of practical knowledge to transform  audiences.  Her passion and expertise shine through each presentation as she shares Universal success principles to assist participants reach higher and go farther. (See testimonials). 

To schedule an appointment call my office cell: 314 566 5231

Walters has authored six books, written columns in major publications, and published numerous articles.  Her syndicated radio show called Positive Moments was syndicated in 110 markets.   

See books and e-books available on this website. Also check out articles & poscasts page.

See biography page, testimonials, and channels.

 Akashic (intuitive) readings provide clarity, insight and pragmatic information to assist clients expand relationships, careers, create prosperity, and achieve over-all well being.

Visit my profile on YourTango Experts


     For scheduling and availability contact her office at 314 566 5231 cell or email: